At The Top
Of Your List
For Toy Companies
Hi, welcome back!
We love having you around and hopefully, you feel the same. We’d love to be at the top of your list of toy companies. That’s why we selected and produced some new toys just for your customers.
=> Here are some of our newest toys.
Looking for something else? Maybe a very specific need? No problem! You’ll find all the guidance you need with your account manager. Contact them through the Sales & Business page, you’re already at the top of their list.
Looking forward to talking to you again!
Get in touch with the Paradiso Toys Experts
Our experts will help you expand your existing range. Once again this year we have products that have been developed and refined with the greatest care and love according to the needs of our customers. Safe, durable, ecologically sound and fantastically beautiful!
The Paradiso Toys Catalog: the Purchaser’s Tool.
Order our free catalog today. Break you last years sales record!
Sturdy and safe children’s toys
We are a manufacturer that doesn’t only care about you, but about your customers too.
No matter what you need, Paradiso Toys has you covered. You can download your catalog in pdf, browse it online or order your very own paper catalog through the form below. 👇
- Keep it handy at all times
- Flip through it whenever and wherever
- Keep personal notes
- Enjoy direct and undistracted access to all toys for babies and toddlers
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Sales & Business
Daniel Sacré or contact
MarCom & PR
Susanna Beirens or contact
Nadia De Paepe or contact